Why You Should Use Our Commercial Ice Packs

You may be aware of our signature product, FreeZwrap, which includes ice packs for personal use. These reusable, flexible freezer sheets keep your food and drinks cold without leaking. Some ice packs are extremely messy when they leak, leaving water everywhere. FreeZwraps keep your food cold for up to eight hours and can be used…read more

Eight More Fascinating Ice Facts From Our Shipping Ice Pack Company

While writing our last blog, we discovered all kinds of interesting facts about ice. One measly blog just wasn’t enough to cover all the strange findings we discovered, so today we are excited to discuss even more fascinating ice facts. Could It Indicate Extraterrestrial Life? Ice doesn’t just exist on our planet alone; hydrogen and…read more

Six Interesting Facts About Ice From Our Commercial Ice Pack Company

At HeroLily, we love all things involving ice. Our commercial ice packs keep perishables such as medical supplies and food colder for longer periods of time. However, without the harvesting of ice, our ice packs probably would have never existed. Would you like to learn more about ice? Here are some fun facts about ice:…read more

Our Commercial Ice Pack Company Discusses Famous Associations with Ice

Can you believe the world ever existed without the convenience of ice? Can you fathom the idea of drinking a room temperature cocktail or a life without ice cream? People love ice; books and songs have been written about ice. In fact, some famous people have even changed their names to include “Ice” in their…read more

Our Commercial Ice Pack Company Explores the Dangers of Dry Ice

Herolily provides commercial ice packs for industries that ship perishables, such as food, pathology samples, vaccines and even human organs. Specifically designed for the one-way transport of such items, our industrial ice packs are used for cold chain shipping and packaging applications. In certain circumstances, our shipping ice packs can be used to replace dry…read more