Our Shipping Ice Pack Company Discusses Dog Sledding

In our last blog, we discussed some of the coldest towns on our planet. When envisioning the most frigid places on the planet, we pondered some of the perks of living in such chilly environments. If you live in a relatively warm area, you’ve probably never had the pleasure of riding on a dog sled.…read more

Our Commercial Ice Pack company Discusses 5 of the Coldest Towns on Earth

Now that winter is upon us, we’re really developing an appreciation for the coldest months of the year. We love producing ice packs to keep perishables cold during transportation, which is why we’re so fascinated by the ways in which Mother Nature keeps her surroundings cold. Where are some of the coldest places in the…read more

Learn More About Our Ice Packs For Shipping

If you transport perishables of any kind, you understand the importance of protecting your products from environmental elements. Using state-of-the-art technology, Herolily has created wholesale ice packs that keep your products cold. Made specifically for the one-way transport of perishables, our ice packs can be used for cold chain transport and packaging applications. What are…read more